The Bogwarden cards

Backfiring TrapSpecialStatusbogwarden:Trap. Lose 4 HP.
BlastSpecialSkill0Retain. A random enemy takes 7 (9) damage. Exhaust.
BonfireSpecialSkill0Retain. Gain 15 (18) stslib:Temporary_HP. Exhaust.
BoulderSpecialSkillbogwarden:Trap. Deal 25 (32) damage to ALL enemies.
Canned BlockSpecialSkillbogwarden:Trap. Next turn, gain 30 (40) Block. Exhaust.
ForgeSpecialSkill0Retain. Increase the damage of all Attacks in your hand by 8 (10) this combat. Exhaust.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
JinxBasicAttack0Deal 3 (4) damage. Apply (and apply) 1 bogwarden:Maledict (to ALL enemies).
Shadow FontBasicSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. Add a Blast (*Blast+) into your hand.
Snapper TrapBasicSkillbogwarden:Trap. Deal 10 (14) damage.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
BlowpipeCommonAttack1Deal 8 (9) damage. Put bogwarden:any (!M!) Unplayable card(s) into your hand.
BlunderbussCommonAttack2Deal 12 damage. Deals 3 (5) additional damage for each Retain card in your hand.
Bola TossCommonAttack0Deal 3 (4) damage. Apply 2 (3) bogwarden:Constricted.
BushwhackCommonSkill1Gain 6 (7) Block. If you have played less than 18 (20) cards this combat, gain 2 (3) Plated Armor.
Dark PactCommonSkill0Gain 2 (4) temporary bogwarden:Mojo.
Eagle EyesCommonSkill1Gain 7 (10) Block. Scry 2 for each enemy in combat.
Entangling VinesCommonSkill1Apply 1 (2) Weak. Apply 3 (4) bogwarden:Snared.
IncantationCommonSkill0Scry 3. Add a Blast (*Blast+) into your hand for each Attack discarded this way.
Plague of ToadsCommonAttack1Deal 2 damage to a random enemy 4 (5) times.
Pressure PlateCommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Apply 6 (8) Mark. ALL enemies lose HP equal to their Mark.
ShankCommonAttack1Deal 12 (17) damage. Discard the rightmost card in your hand.
Snare TrapCommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Apply 9 (13) bogwarden:Snared.
SnipCommonSkill0Retain. Trigger your leftmost bogwarden:Trap. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
SubmergeCommonSkill1Gain 12 (16) Block. Add a Void into your discard pile.
The RumbleCommonAttack1Deal 6 (8) damage to ALL enemies. bogwarden:Big_Game: Repeat.
Vile PowderCommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block. Apply 1 bogwarden:Maledict to ALL enemies.
Viper StrikeCommonAttack1Apply 1 bogwarden:Venom. Deal 2 (4) damage twice.
Watch and LearnCommonSkill2Gain 10 (12) Block. Trigger your 2 (3) leftmost bogwarden:Traps.
Acid CloudUncommonSkill2Apply 4 (6) bogwarden:Snared and 2 (3) bogwarden:Venom to ALL enemies. Exhaust.
AttunementUncommonPower1Gain 2 bogwarden:Mojo.(Apply !bogwarden:m2! bogwarden:Maledict to ALL enemies.)
Bag and TagUncommonAttack1Deal 6 (10) damage. Trigger your leftmost bogwarden:Trap twice.
BewitchUncommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) damage. Whenever you apply a debuff to this enemy, gain 3 (4) Block. Exhaust.
Bide TimeUncommonSkillXFor X turns, gain 9 (11) Block at the end of your turn.
Blending InUncommonPower1At the end of your turn, if you played no Attacks, gain (!M! Block and) 1 bogwarden:Blur.
Bramble ShieldUncommonSkill1Gain 4 (6) Block. Gain temporary bogwarden:Spines equal to your Block.
Broiling FlamesUncommonAttack1Deal 14 (18) damage to ALL enemies. Add a Burn into your hand.
Cage of SerpentsUncommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Apply 1 (2) bogwarden:Venom. Enemy loses 1 HP 3 (4) times.
Cruel SchemesUncommonPower1Whenever a card is Retained, gain 2 (3) Block.
DarkvisionUncommonPower2At the start of your turn, Scry 2 (3). If you discard at least 2 cards this way, gain [E].
Flock of BatsUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Whenever you are attacked this turn, deal 2 (3) damage to ALL enemies.
GeyserUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) damage. Add a Blast (*Blast+) into your hand.
Hair TriggerUncommonAttack0Deal 8 (10) damage. Lose 2 HP. Draw 1 (2) card(s).
HoodwinkUncommonAttackXstslib:Snecko. Deal 5 (7) damage to a random enemy a number of times equal to this card's cost + 2.
HurlUncommonSkill1Trigger bogwarden:any bogwarden:Trap on an enemy.(Unless it Exhausted, return it to your hand.)
ImplodeUncommonSkill1Gain 12 (15) Block and 1 bogwarden:Blur. A random enemy gains 15 Block and 1 bogwarden:Blur.
Jar of SpidersUncommonAttack0Deal 3 damage to ALL enemies. They lose 3 (6) HP at the start of their next turn.
Lasso UpUncommonAttack1Deal 6 (7) damage. Apply 5 (7) bogwarden:Snared. bogwarden:Big_Game: When it wears off, apply 3 (4) more.
Line UpUncommonSkill1Scry 4 (5). Next turn, gain [E] ([E]).
PortentsUncommonPower1Whenever a card is discarded via Scry, gain 2 (3) Block and Vigor.
Restless SpiritsUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, add a Blast into your hand.
Ritual TotemUncommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Heal 3 (6) HP. Gain 1 bogwarden:Mojo. Exhaust.
SapUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain [E] for each unique debuff the enemy has.
Sinister RitualUncommonSkill1Lose 3 HP. Next turn, heal 8 (11) HP. Exhaust.
Spinning BladesUncommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Deal 5 (7) damage to ALL enemies twice.
Spiteful StaffUncommonAttack2Deal 10 damage. Apply 1 (2) bogwarden:Maledict. Apply 1 (2) bogwarden:Venom.
StalkerUncommonAttack1Deal 9 damage. If discarded via Scry, play this and increase its damage by 5 (8).
Stickerbush StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 7 (9) damage. Gain 5 (7) bogwarden:Spines.
SurveyUncommonSkill1Draw 2 cards. For each Skill drawn, gain 5 (7) Block.
TripwireUncommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Gain 50% more Block from cards for 2 turns.
Urticating SpinesUncommonPower1Gain 7 (9) bogwarden:Spines. Gain 1 (2) Dexterity.
Vengeful TotemUncommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Whenever this enemy loses HP, gain 2 (3) Block. Exhaust.
WalkaboutUncommonSkill1Scry 3 (4). Draw 1 card for each card discarded.
Warding TotemUncommonSkillbogwarden:Trap. Gain 1 Artifact. Gain 3 (5) Plated Armor. Exhaust.
Boulder TrapRareSkillbogwarden:Trap. Shuffle a Boulder (*Boulder+) into your draw pile. Exhaust.
Briar PatchRarePower2Gain 6 (10) bogwarden:Spines. Whenever you are attacked, deal damage back equal to 50% of your total bogwarden:Spines.
Camp OutRareSkill3Choose Bonfire (*Bonfire+) or Forge (*Forge+) to add into your hand. Exhaust.
Corpse FliesRareAttack0Deal 7 (8) damage. (Draw !M! card.)If Fatal, permanently Upgrade this card (add a Corpse Flies to your deck). Exhaust.
Death WardRarePower2At the end of your turn, deal 3 damage to a random enemy 3 (4) times.
FriendsRarePower1 (0)Gain 1 bogwarden:Buffer. Next turn, gain 1 Intangible. In 2 turns, lose 3 Max HP.
IncarcerateRareAttackXDeal 5 damage X times. Trigger your leftmost bogwarden:Trap X (X+!M!) times. Exhaust.
Nature's WrathRareAttack2Deal 6 (8) damage to ALL enemies for each of your unique buffs.
Night TerrorRareSkill0Apply 99 Vulnerable to ALL enemies. (Gain !bogwarden:m2! Vigor.)Exhaust.
Othersider FormRarePower3At the start of your turn, gain 2 (3) bogwarden:Mojo and lose 1 Strength.
Poison NovaRarePower1*Blasts apply 2 (3) Poison.
Rabbit PunchRareAttack1Deal 15 (20) damage.
Refined BlastRareSkill0Retain. A random enemy loses 9 (14) HP. Draw 2 cards. Exhaust.
Sludge BombRareSkillbogwarden:Trap. ALL enemies lose 6 (8) HP and 2 (3) Strength. Exhaust.
Spiritual JourneyRareSkill0Ethereal. Raise your Max HP by 3. Whenever you play an attack, lose 2 (1) Max HP. Exhaust.
Unstable ConcoctionRareAttack1Deal 4 damage. Obtain an Explosive Potion (bogwarden:Explosive_Potion+). bogwarden:Big_Game: Obtain a Fire Potion (bogwarden:Fire_Potion+) instead. Exhaust.
Wild MagicRareAttack2Deal 11 damage. Transform bogwarden:any 3 cards into (Upgraded) cards of any color.

The Bogwarden relics

Du-Vu NeedleDeprecatedOcean_bogwarden_colorFor each Curse in your deck, start each combat with 1bogwarden:Mojo. Upon pickup, obtain a Doll'sCurse.The bog-dwelling shamans use these to lay powerful curses.
Swamp TalismanStarterOcean_bogwarden_colorAt the start of your 2nd turn, draw 1 card and gain 2 temporary bogwarden:Mojo.A ward against the many evils of the Foglands.
Purple RoseCommonOcean_bogwarden_colorStart each combat with 8bogwarden:Spines."Beautiful, but very prickly - OUCH!!! See what I mean!?" - Ranwid
Shadow Man's HatCommonOcean_bogwarden_colorStart each combat with 1bogwarden:Mojo.Are you reeeeady?
Paper CrokhUncommonOcean_bogwarden_colorEnemies with bogwarden:Maledict take 75% more damage rather than 50%.The paper is warm to the touch.
Trail CamUncommonOcean_bogwarden_colorThe first time you draw a bogwarden:Trap each combat, trigger it and draw 1 card.A strange gadget that won't turn on. What was its use?
Exile RosterRareOcean_bogwarden_colorAt the start of Boss and Elite combats, apply 3bogwarden:Maledict and bogwarden:Venom to ALL enemies.A list of those forbidden to ever leave the Foglands.
Primordial FocusRareOcean_bogwarden_colorAt the start of each combat, add 2Blasts+ into your hand.Property of Big Brute Benny.
Glove of ZappingBossOcean_bogwarden_colorAttacks deal non-attack damage.Some Du-Vu spirits disguise themselves as ordinary objects, in search of prey.
Jasper TalismanBossOcean_bogwarden_colorReplaces Swamp Talisman. The first 3 times you draw an Unplayable card each combat, draw 1 card and gain 1bogwarden:Mojo.A menacing carving, crafted by a sister of the Foglands.
Rusty Ol' ClunkerBossOcean_bogwarden_colorGain [E] at the start of your turn. At the start of combat, shuffle a BackfiringTrap into your draw pile.Not my best work!
Tinning KitShopOcean_bogwarden_colorThe first time you draw a Curse or Status card each combat, Exhaust it and add a CannedBlock into your hand.To survive in the wild, you have to be willing to eat anything.

The Bogwarden potions

Mojo PotionCommonGain 2Mojo.
Pact PotionCommonGain 5Mojo. At the end of your turn, lose 5Mojo.
Withering PotionCommonApply 3Maledict.
Bottle of TricksUncommonChoose 1 of 3 random Traps to add to your hand. Trigger all Traps in your hand.
Briar TonicUncommonGain 12Spines.
Bog WaterRareAdd 3Blasts+ into your hand.

The Bogwarden keywords

AnyFrom your hand, draw pile, or discard pile.
Big GameEffect applies during Boss and Elite combats.
BlurBlock is not removed at the start of your turn.
BufferPrevents the next time you would lose HP.
ConstrictedConstricted creatures take damage at the END of their turn.
DrainedWhile Drained, you deal 25% less non-attack damage.
Explosive Potion+Deals 12 damage to ALL enemies.
Fire Potion+Deals 24 damage.
MaledictEnemies with Maledict take 50% more non-attack damage.
MojoMojo increases non-attack damage.
OceanOcean is free! Ocean is free! Woohoo!
SnaredSnared creatures deal less damage until after their next attack.
SpinesWhenever an enemy doesn't attack, deals damage. Deals half damage against attacks with other effects.
TrapUnplayableRetaining cards. The leftmost Trap in your hand is triggered when you lose HP. If from an enemy attack, targets the attacker. Otherwise, targets randomly.
VenomEnemies affected by Venom lose 2 HP whenever they take damage.

The Bogwarden creatures

the BogwardenPlayer70-78